vendredi 15 avril 2016

Some Nutrition requirements during pregnancy

Your body goes through numerous physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy. The way you nourish your body during this time will affect the health of both you and your baby. You must eat a healthful, balanced diet to help ensure you stay healthy throughout your pregnancy. The food you eat is also the main source of nourishment for your baby, so it’s critical to consume foods that are rich in nutrients. Proper nutrition can help promote your...

5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

It's been a couple weeks since you did the deed, and now you're dying to know: am I pregnant? You'll need a home pregnancy test or a blood test at your OB's office to know for sure, but until you can take one (the best time is once your period is late) click through these early signs of pregnancy and see if any of them feel familiar.   Shortness of Breath                        ...

Is it okay to drink caffeine while I'm pregnant?

The jury is out on whether caffeine can actually hurt baby, but most health-care professionals do recommend limiting intake. Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it pulls fluids and calcium from both you and baby and will keep you running to the bathroom (as if you aren't peeing enough already). Also, caffeine has no nutritional value and can affect your mood, sleep schedule and iron absorption. And it’s not just the coffee — remember, caffeine is...

The Best First Foods For Baby

Babies are generally ready to start trying solid foods around six months, but it's ok to start as early as four months. If baby is showing interest in other foods (think grabbing for your chicken wings and staring at your cereal) and able to sit up in his high chair, it's probably a good time to start. It's best to run it past your pediatrician before starting the taste tests—the four-month checkup is a great time to ask.      ...

When pregnancy is unplanned

Finding out you're pregnant can bring out all kinds of emotions, from joy to bewilderment, indecision to fear. Even when a pregnancy is planned the reality of carrying another human life is quite different to the idea of being pregnant. One minute you're over the moon and confident in your abilities as a mother-to-be, the next minute you wonder what you've done and how on earth you'll cope with such a life-changing event. Add all those pregnancy...